Thank you for celebrating #GivingTuesdayNow with the OI Foundation! Remember, you can raise OI awareness and support the OI Foundation year-round!
1. Create a Facebook Fundraiser! Visit www.facebook.com/fund/OsteogenesisImperfectaFoundation/ to start one today.
2. Host a Bone China Tea! National Bone China Tea Day is this Thursday (5/7). This virtual event is perfect way to connect with loved ones while staying safe at home. Visit www.oif.org/campaign/bonechinatea to get started!
3. Plan a virtual Blue Jeans for Better Bones Day! National Blue Jeans for Better Bones Day is this Friday! Invite your friends and family to wear jeans (or a blue shirt) to show support for the OI Foundation. Visit www.oif.org/bjbb to set up your blue jeans day!
4. Join the OIF Book Club! Read more, raise more, win more prizes! Visit www.oif.org/campaign/oifbookclub to register today!
5. Participate in the virtual Unbreakable Spirit® Walk-n-Wheel on July 10, 2020! Register today as an individual or create a team by going to www.oif.org/campaign/walkandwheel!
#GivingTuesdayNow #SHAREforAWARENESS #UnbreakableSpirit