07/10/2020 - 12/31/2020
Unbreakable Spirit® Walk-n-Wheel 2020Thanks for visiting my fundraising page!
To donate in Canadian Dollars and receive a Canadian tax receipt,
As you know, our 7 year old daughter, Sophia, has Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), a rare genetic condition that makes her fragile bones break easily.
We plan to participate in the OI Foundation's Unbreakable Spirit® Walk-n-Wheel on July 10, 2020, to support the Canadian Osteogenesis Imperfecta Society (COIS), and we need your support! The OIF is a partner of the COIS (Canadian Osteogenesis Imperfecta Society) which means, money raised by our team will go directly to COIS in Canada to help fund Canadian initiatives! This is exciting news for Sophia, and her Canadian friends with OI.
Things are a little different this year with COVID-19, and the scheduled OIF National Conference, as well as the Walk-N-Wheel, have been changed to a virtual format. Essentially, individual teams will be doing their own walks across North America, within their own neighbourhoods, and we plan to do just that! Our family has committed to a 5km walk (and wheel) throughout our neighbourhood, to raise money for COIS.
We have been overwhelmed with everyone's generosity in past walk n wheels, and the time has come for us to ask you if you would be willing to donate to this great cause once again.
Your donation will help the COIS fulfil their mission of building awareness, education and support to families with OI in Canada. Your donation will be in Canadian dollars, and you will be issued a Canadian charitable donation tax receipt from COIS.
To donate in Canadian Dollars and receive a Canadian tax receipt, and make sure to include my name or our team name in the comments box.
If you prefer to mail in your donation: Make all cheques payable to the Canadian OI Society. Please mail your cheque directly to the Canadian OI Society at:
PO Box 38189
550 Eglington Ave W
Toronto, Ontario
M5N 1B0
making sure to put our team name in the memo.
I truly appreciate your time, consideration and generosity!