Help me Support the OI Community!

07/10/2020 - 12/31/2020

I plan to participate in the OI Foundation's Virtual Unbreakable Spirit® Walk-n-Wheel on July 10, 2020 and I need your support!

As a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon and the director of the OI clinic at Children's Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, I was very excited to have the OI community coming to Omaha in July 2020 for the biennial National Conference and to be one of your co-chairs for the 2020 OIF National Unbreakable Spirit® Walk-n-Wheel! Unfortunately, due to the COVID Pandemic, the OI Foundation is unable to hold the Conference or Walk-n-Wheel in person as in past years. However, the need for fundraising still exists in order to continue to provide answers to families, fund research, and maintain a network of support groups for families dealing with the daily realities of OI by making a gift.

50,000 people in the United States are affected by osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a rare genetic disease that makes bones fragile and easily broken. A person living with OI may experience hundreds of painful fractures over a lifetime. Infants with OI are often born with multiple broken bones. In severe cases of OI, a cough can break an adult’s rib. Each person with OI is unique, with different fracture rates, a varied range of related health issues and his or her own path through life. Yet there is one thing every person living with OI has in common… an Unbreakable Spirit®!

You can improve lives! To support the important work of the OI Foundation, simply click on the Donate Now button at the top of this page.

If you prefer to mail in your donation: Make all checks payable to the OI Foundation. Then, please mail your check directly to me as the event participant so that I can turn it in to the Foundation.

Please give as much as you can! I am honored to care for children with OI and excited to be a part of this event to raise awareness and funds for the OI foundation!