The OI Foundation offers several resources for connecting with individuals with OI and OI families. All of the resources listed below allow participants to ask questions, share information, and offer mutual support to others.

OI Foundation Official Facebook Page
“Like” the OI Foundation on Facebook to receive important announcements and updates from the OI Foundation.

OI Community Forum Facebook Group 
Join the OI Community Facebook Forum discussion page for the OI community. Please note: In order to view and participate in  Facebook groups, you will need an active Facebook account.



About the OI Support Group Program
The OI Foundation recognizes the value of creating a space where members of the OI community can share their personal experiences, and both receive and provide support. For many years, OI Support Groups met in person, but with advancements in technology, some of the groups have chosen to meet virtually in recent years. The OIF is now expanding this important program to ensure that everyone in the US has the opportunity to connect either by geography or by interest.

The goal of the OI Support Group Program is to provide a space for sharing, educating, and socializing.

  • Sharing allows participants to talk about their experiences and feelings and offer each other mutual support and encouragement.
  • Education occurs when group members receive new information on topics of interest.
  • Social time provides unstructured opportunity for members to enjoy each other’s company.

The OIF Support Group Program is divided into five Regional Groups (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, and West). OIF Regional Support Groups help foster a sense of community and provide regional-based information to OI community members in specific regions. With support from OIF staff, each OIF Support Group is led by OI community members.

See below for information on your Regional Support Group Leaders and upcoming meetings in your region!

Upcoming Regional Support Group Meeting!

Northeast: Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 8:00pm ET
Register HERE

Southeast: Tuesday, January 28, 2025; 7:30pm ET
Register HERE

Midwest: Thursday, February 20, 2025; 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT
Register HERE

Southwest: Thursday, January 21, 2025; 6:00pm MT/7:00pm CT
Register HERE

West: Wednesday, February 19, 2025; 8:00pm MT/7:00pm PT/6:00pm AK/5:00pm HST
Register HERE

Regional Support Group Leader Contact Information

RegionSupport Group LeaderEmailPhone
NortheastDianne McNeilDianne.Northeast@yahoo.com774-266-0771
SoutheastGail BunkerSoutheastRSG@gmail.com407-405-5371
SoutheastSusie WilsonSoutheastRSG@gmail.com914-261-8025
MidwestDiane AlbrechtmidwestRSG@gmail.com847-970-1353
MidwestJessica MinormidwestRSG@gmail.com317-402-6858
SouthwestKelli Druesselswregionoif@gmail.com309-310-1636
WestDiane Wysockiwest.RSG@gmail.com206-713-7208
WestLiana Tetebergwest.RSG@gmail.com435-714-0000


OIF State-Based Contacts

Below is a list of State-based contacts. State-based contacts are community-members that people can reach out to connect with someone in their state.

State/AreaContactEmailPhone numbers
ArizonaBarbara Hicks
Lauri Alexander
ColoradoChristina 964-4250
Florida Breanna Coleman
Samantha Coleman
(813) 365-2687
(813) 928-7004
IllinoisJean Grys
(309) 353-4988
KentuckyCheryl Pena
(859) 744-3679
Massachusetts (South Shore)Cheryl 292-0562
New JerseyRicky Britner
Ohio Erin
(419) 824-3685
PA (Pittsburgh)Chaz Kellem
Nikki Watson
(412) 913-6357
TexasAmie Ludwigamieludwig1@yahoo.c(214) 334-9683
UtahLiana Teteberglteteberg@icloud.com435-714-0000
WashingtonDiane Wysocki (Regional Support Group Leader) 713-7208