
National Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) Awareness Week begins tomorrow!


National Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) Awareness Week begins tomorrow!

How will YOU raise OI awareness this week?
National OI Awareness Week is scheduled around Wishbone Day (May 6), the international day of OI awareness.
There are so many ways to raise OI awareness during OI Awareness Week and Wishbone Day – check out some ideas below!

Update your Facebook Profile Picture! 

Use your Facebook page to raise OI awareness on social media! Click here to add a National OI Awareness Week frame to your Facebook profile picture!

Raise OI Awareness from home!
This year, we will be celebrating National OI Awareness Week with a Virtual Spirit Week! Check out the flyer below!

Play OI Awareness Bingo!
1. SAVE the OIF Bingo card
2. MARK off as many boxes as you can throughout OI Awareness Week
3. SHARE it on your social media pages using #SHAREforAWARENESS!

Monday, May 4 – READ MORE MONDAY
Have you joined the OIF Book Club yet? Share a photo on social media to share what you are reading this week! Use the #OIFBookClub to share with OI community members!

Tuesday, May 5 – #GivingTuesdayNow
#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. We hope you will celebrate #GivingTuesdayNow with the OI Foundation by making a donation at, or creating a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit the OI Foundation.

Wednesday, May 6 – WISHBONE DAY (International OI Awareness Day)
We can’t wait to see photos of you wearing your Wishbone Day yellow! Each year on Wishbone Day, the OI Foundation shares facts about OI on social media every hour. Make sure you are following the OI Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so you can help us raise OI awareness worldwide by liking and sharing every #SHAREforAWARENESS post!

Invite your friends and family to join you on video call (try using Skype, Zoom, or Facetime) for a virtual tea party! Choose a dress code for your guests – formal, casual, or pajamas! Start planning your Bone China Tea virtual event at

Create your Blue Jeans for Better Bones online page and we’ll send you and any donors a special badge to add to your Facebook or Instagram profile. Share your photos with us using the hashtag #OIFphotocontest to be entered into the 5 Decades of Denim photo contest in honor of the OIF’s 50th anniversary. For extra credit, share a #FlashbackFriday photo featuring your stylish jeans over the decade!

For more information, visit


Thank you for proclaiming National OI Awareness Week in your state!
So far, we have received 16 official National OI Awareness Week proclamations! Thank you to the OI community members for who requested proclamations, and to the government officials who proclaimed May 2-9, 2020 as National OI Awareness Week in their state!
Click here to view all National OI Awareness Week 2020 proclamations.

If you have received a proclamation for your state, please send a photo to Christina at [email protected]


Happy National OI Awareness Week!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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