
Welcome to the OIF Board of Directors, Billy!


Billy Huang is a biologist-turned-entrepreneur originally from New York City and a current fellow with the Office of Workforce Strategy. Growing up in a low-income and first-generation household and as a person with a disability, he is passionate about addressing intersectional issues related to poverty, health, and access to economic opportunity. Through his startup, Source Development Hub, Billy has had the opportunity to work with multiple regional and national non-profit organizations, including the Urban Institute and Corporation for Supportive Housing, on projects mapping affordable housing throughout Connecticut.

Most recently, Billy served as the Director of Data Analytics and Impact at the Housing Collective, a regional nonprofit focused on collective impact work spanning the homelessness services and affordable housing sectors. His work there included the development of a Housing Innovation Lab to foster tech-focused interventions aimed at understanding and addressing homelessness and affordable housing. Complementing his professional work, Billy advocates for disability rights at the municipal level by chairing the New Haven Commission on Disabilities and at the national level through the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. He additionally consults for MIT Solve, a social innovation marketplace, on social impact data modeling.

Billy holds Bachelor’s degrees in biology and history from MIT as well as an MBA from the Yale School of Management. We are excited to welcome Billy as a member of the OIF Board of Directors!

Nominate an OIF Board Member
The OI Foundation is always seeking nominations for new members of the OIF Board of Directors. The Board Development Committee looks for nominees with qualities such as a personal connection to OI and experience in areas including accounting, finance, fundraising, organizational management, public relations, strategic planning, business and/or law. If you or someone you know is committed to achieving the mission of the OI Foundation please contact the OIF at

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