
OIF Unbreakable Spirit® T-Shirt Contest – VOTE Now!


Vote for your Favorite OIF T-Shirt Design!

Congratulations to OIF T-Shirt Contest finalists: Sue Krug, Darla Vogt, and Dottie Ruhlig!
Thank you to all artists and designers for creating wonderful graphics for the next official OIF t-shirt! While we wish we could use them all, the top 3 designs have been selected and were judged based on their originality, capturing the spirit of the OI community, and adherence to design and submission rules and guidelines.

There are two ways to vote for your favorite t-shirt design:

  1. Visit the OIF’s Facebook page and LIKE the photo of your favorite design!

  2. Click here to vote by completing a survey.

Voting will end on October 31, 2021. The winning design will be featured on the OIF’s online t-shirt store starting on November 1st. The winner will receive acknowledgment in the OIF’s print newsletter, Breakthrough, as well as a FREE t-shirt with their design.



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