Become a Member of the OI Foundation
Dear Friend,
Greetings! Thank you for being an active member of our OI community! 2024 was a wonderful year for the OI Foundation. It was a year that allowed us to focus on important community programs like our regional support groups, national and regional conferences and our OI toolkits – just to name a few.
It should come as no surprise that the OI Foundation members make up the heart of our organization, and as one of our dedicated supporters, we hope you will consider becoming a member of the OI Foundation for the 2025-2026 membership year. Your help will continue the legacy of families and individuals living with OI determined to find answers. Our continued success is only possible due to your generosity and commitment to our mission – the future of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation depends on you!
Alicia O’Sullivan, AuD. is an audiologist currently working with pediatric & adult populations in both diagnostics and amplification. She explains why she became a member of the OI Foundation below:
“A membership to the OI Foundation is important to me because of all that it does for both its members and for medical professionals. The resources provided by the OI Foundation are invaluable to those with OI and their families, they provide not only medical information and financial help but peer support and connection. Being a member not only allows me to reap the benefits from these resources, but membership dues allow these resources to continue to be supplied, updated, and distributed.”
Your OIF membership will help provide medically verified information on OI to medical professionals, parents, caregivers, and individuals living with OI. It will give opportunities for people with OI to connect through our recently updated OIF website, social media sites, local support groups, and the OIF National and Regional Conferences. Lastly, it will accelerate the pace of OI research through scientific and clinical meetings and by funding new early-stage investigator grants.
There are four different membership levels that include the following:
BRONZE – $36 per year
- Exclusive OIF program update meeting
- Annual subscription to Breakthrough
- Voting privileges at Board Member elections
SILVER – $100 per year
- OI Foundation membership sticker decal
- Exclusive OIF program update meeting
- Annual subscription to Breakthrough
- Voting privileges at Board Member elections
GOLD – $365 ($1 per day!) per year
- OI Foundation membership sticker decal
- OI Foundation Member tote bag
- Exclusive OIF program update meeting
- Annual subscription to Breakthrough
- Voting privileges at Board Member elections
1970 SOCIETY – $1,000 per year
- OI Foundation membership sticker decal
- OI Foundation Member tote bag
- 1970 Society Pin
- Exclusive OIF program update meeting
- Annual subscription to Breakthrough
- Voting privileges at Board Member elections
I sincerely hope that you will consider joining. Your membership not only enables us to focus on important community and educational programs, but it allows us to expand our resources to assist in important outreach so that we can continue to make each year better than the last. Visit to become a member of the OI Foundation today!
Thank you from all of us here at the OIF! Together, we truly do have an Unbreakable Spirit®.
Tracy Hart
Chief Executive Officer